The West Michigan lakeshore is a beautiful sight to see but have you ever wondered what it looks like from above? I recently had the opportunity, thanks to My Flight Tours, to get a spectacular view of the Muskegon and Grand Haven coasts on a private helicopter tour.

My Flight Tours offers sightseeing rides across the state of Michigan. I chose its location that operates out of the Muskegon County Airport. When I arrived, I was greeted by my tour guide, Ryan, who was very accommodating and knowledgeable about the area. He offered to take the doors off the helicopter so I could get the full experience, great photos and the thrill of the wind in my face. After going through a few safety measures, I jumped in the helicopter, was given a headset to talk with the pilot and my friend, and away we went!

Soaring through the sky with a bird’s-eye view of the Grand Haven channel, lighthouse and the Muskegon coast is a “must do.” This was my first time in a helicopter, and it truly was an experience of a lifetime!

Looking to check off that next bucket-list adventure? Visit to learn more about its tours. Currently the Muskegon location offers rides Saturday and Sunday from 2–8 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome, or reservations can be made through the website or by calling 844-644-3541.
Source: Urban St.